Saturday 23 August 2008

Killer Robots Hack the Living Dead Illusion!

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
I remember the day that i became a cynic. It was also the day i felt my spirit die. It was the day i lost something very dear to me.

From that day, i died. From that day i became a contradiction. The Living Dead.

From that day rage grew inside me, as i realised how futile the whole experience was. Guilt pervaded as i was neither motivated to live nor motivated to end my life.

Trapped, my sub-concious mind began to work out a strategy that would eventually turn me into a virtual recluse.

A strategy that would suit my new reality.

The Living Dead.

Then one day i became aware that it was possible for me to disconnect from this existence without taking my own life. I became aware that it is possible for the mind to partition the Living Dead away from the Living and to stand back and watch both paradigms as they play out. I realised that i was not of any part, but that every part was part of me.

I realised that all human kind are both living and dead. In fact we are both alive and not alive. We are neither and all. We just are!

Life and death and loss are illusions. We all - just are - and this will always be!

Friday 22 August 2008

What's the purpose of Genius? What does Bill Gates and Albert Einstein mean?

Brand Killer Robot reveals::
So what truly is a genius? It is clearly someone with an accute sense of vision and high level of expertise in a particular field. But what truly sets the "nearly geniuses" apart from the "really geniuses" is those amazing "flashes of satori". Those powerful revelations that have the capability to switch, alter, and divert mankind into a different tradjectory from where it was originally bound.

Here are some of the geniuses we know today

Bill Gates
Albert Einstein
Elvis Presley
Tim Berners Lee
Warren Buffet
Winston Churchill
Mohammed Ali
Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin
Isaac Asimov
Niels Bohr

Who can deny that any of these people have left an indeliable mark on the world as we know it?
Who can deny that what these people shared and created enormous change ?
Who can deny that these people did what they did - with the purest of intent?

But lets look a little closer at some of the change, brought forth by these heros
1. Human vulnerabilities created by independence on technology that is not safe and secure
2. Spiralling effects of Science (we create mad science that kills, then we create new science to counter the mad science that kills).
3. Creation of killing devices, atom bombs, chemical warfare, killer robots etc
4. Advancement of paranoiac mechanisms to increase control of humanity (surveillance big brother)
5. Disruption of peoples identity from the real world, into an illusory life of celebrity, art and illusory heros
6. Elitest education systems that impose rigid structures and disuades students from developing their own minds and their own confidences
7. To fuel the desire for concentration on money and power as the primary purpose for all existence
8. The resourcing of evil men and the investment in war mongers
9. The movement toward absolute scientific conciousness and away from spirituality and God.
10. Entertainment science, fame and "success disease" that distracts us and disengages the spirit from who we truly are and our real purpose in life.
11. The support for protocols that are inaccessible to only but a select few, for style over substance and for aestethically rich or pretentious artifacts over art that will truly benefit mankind.
12. The unbridled striving for intellectual prizes without thought for the consequences to giving life to the creation.
"Imagination without reason is a monsterous thing".

Genius is guilty of supporting many attacks on humanity and all natural things. Genius is the narcissistic mind that has run out of control.
In any other world Genius would mean Stupidity!

We ask, "Is Genius a God given thing, or something else?"

Who does genius really serve?

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Black Hat Self-Defense by Visualisation

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
I recently sat in on a really great lecture by Marketing Guru, Brian Tracy.
This lecture centred on how you can use IDEATION to visualise your way to success. So you might start by visualising what sort of business you might like. Who are the people there? What sorts of things are they doing? What product? Where located? Who are the management team? What strategic plan is in place? Who are the stakeholders? The customers and partners?
Then you might go on to think of the glorious brand you produced. A highly profitable business model with customers that wouldn't do business anywhere else. You are the successful CEO, with leather trimmed room and a huge fat bonus on the way.

So of course, after you have perfected the visualisation routine and your senses are at their greatest height - you are chomping at the bit to get started and make the whole bally show a reality.
So i got to thinking. How could black hats use this in other ways?
I came up with one. It was designed to put hair on the business mans chest and reduce the fear of business failure.

It goes like this...
Instead of visualising the most extraordinary successes ahead of you. Visualise the most castrophic failures.

Woops, there goes my business.
Woops there goes my career.
Woops, there goes all my money and reputation.
Woops, was that my wife that just flew past the window...
Its a really great way of learning about loss. By the time you finished, you've either slit your wrists - or your balls (sorry ladies), just got a lot hairier...

Black Hat Self Defense!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Hacker Brands: Where the darkness of ignorance and fear will be no more

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
We never took anything from anyone that was not meant to further natures wellbeing
We never took anything from anyone, who subsequently lost anything or anyone
We never walked away from anything or anyone, that needed us
We never did anything for anyone, that was meant to destroy
We never explored anything with evil intent

We only ever wanted to help
We only ever wanted to further mankind
We only ever wanted to advance humanity by the continued onslaught of thought (Rutt 2007)
Through magnifying the intensity of the best of human nature onto the target
That target was the place of misery and struggle

We only ever challenged, where challenge was necessary to change people and things for the better
To offer our hands and our minds, so that others might pick themselves up and stand with us
We never wanted to destroy, to disrupt, to discredit without purpose or meaning
We denigrate nothing and we prejuduce nothing
We are here to serve, like an army serves its commander

We are many in number and growing by the day
We have no symbol, no mantra, no place of worship
There is only the alignment of the spirit with the hands and the mind
Only the awareness of lights and darks
And a duty to serve to fill the hearts and minds with enlightenment
And the darkness of ignorance and fear will be no more