Tuesday 5 August 2008

Hacker Brands: Where the darkness of ignorance and fear will be no more

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
We never took anything from anyone that was not meant to further natures wellbeing
We never took anything from anyone, who subsequently lost anything or anyone
We never walked away from anything or anyone, that needed us
We never did anything for anyone, that was meant to destroy
We never explored anything with evil intent

We only ever wanted to help
We only ever wanted to further mankind
We only ever wanted to advance humanity by the continued onslaught of thought (Rutt 2007)
Through magnifying the intensity of the best of human nature onto the target
That target was the place of misery and struggle

We only ever challenged, where challenge was necessary to change people and things for the better
To offer our hands and our minds, so that others might pick themselves up and stand with us
We never wanted to destroy, to disrupt, to discredit without purpose or meaning
We denigrate nothing and we prejuduce nothing
We are here to serve, like an army serves its commander

We are many in number and growing by the day
We have no symbol, no mantra, no place of worship
There is only the alignment of the spirit with the hands and the mind
Only the awareness of lights and darks
And a duty to serve to fill the hearts and minds with enlightenment
And the darkness of ignorance and fear will be no more

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