Much is placed on the need for more accurate, more concise, more timely reporting mechanisms for supporting business decision making. Much is placed on the analyst to define and assimilate the supporting business intelligence technology and the nature and scope of the resulting data output. Much is placed on the need for the executive team to have the very best decision support systems at their finger tips.
Billions are spent on extracting, importing, processing and representing this data.
Billions are spent on ensuring analysts have everything they need to do their jobs effectively.
The world is an analysts paradise, with a wealth of data at their finger tips.
All they need do is reflect the integrity and substance of the matter, without tainting it with bias or incompetence in any way.
As time goes by, we begin to see teams of analysts grow in the centre of the organisation. These analysts become the nerve centre of the organisational intelligence highway. Their distilled reports are fed straight up the spinal cord of the business, right into the executives memory banks.
Billions are spent on building external Business Intelligence sources and feeding them into the correct entry points in the organisation. Which are again fed into the belly of the organisation where the analysts live and then reconsituted and fed up to the brain.
There is no garbage here, there is simply distilled information coming fast in and fast up....
But what of the questions of why and how much?
A recent study of 10 major organisations revealed that none of them had an expert capability for analysising the analysis techniques used and for assessing the effectiveness of the methods applied for modeling and presenting the data to corporate executives. Neither did any one of these organisations conduct return on investment studies for their B.I.
Worst of all was none of the company directors studied understood in detail how metrics and indicators were derived from the data!!!!!
Lastly, it was found that none of the companies had an active programme for brainstorming new metrics and indicators and refining existing ones.
So we ask, Are Billions being wasted on Business Intelligence Solutions?
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