Ok, we had a small encounter the other day when we were hit by a storm of traffic to this Blog - much of which was accompanied by the most vicious of comments to the editor regarding our statement that 1 + 1 can in fact equal 74 (1+1=74).
Thank you, thank you, thank you - for we believe that we have hit a nerve. When supposed rational minds are challenged with thinking beyond the walls of their cosy certainty, rejection is the first natural response, followed by further investigation, followed by even greater vitriol - until finally satisfied that there are no answers beyond the obvious and that they have taken their revenge - they retire back into their cosy hidy holes again. Where 1 + 1 always equals 2.
So why does this make a difference in the world of mathematics? Why does abstract maths really differ from any other form of maths.?
Ok, so here is the answer.
Conventional maths thinking is based on " the certain world". Abstract maths is based on "the uncertain world".
In a certain world you can measure the height of something at any point in time. In an uncertain world you can't measure the height of something at any point in time - if sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not there.
So the application we considered in our orginal article suggested that the organisation in question did not add up until 72 major risks had been mitigated. Therefore the state of the organisation and relative mathematics formulae was 1 + 1 = 74. By reducing the state of uncertainty by 72 risks, you reach a state of certainty - zero major risks.
In other words - You reach a world where 1 + 1 = 2.
In fact the formula should be
if x not equal 2, then
While x not equal 2
decrement x by 1
now go back to beginning while statement (until x not equal 2)
Once x = 2 - end program
1 + 1 = 2
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