Wednesday 21 November 2007

Email Intelligence Analysis: Identifying untruthful communication patterns

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
It isn't what people say that reveals their true intentions. It's the way they say things or more especially - the way they don't say things - that tells the story. Its' reading the stuff that they don't respond to, that is the real tell-tale sign.

I went to see this guy about work some time ago when i wasn't well. His organisation is set-up with the sole purpose of helping people back to work. We had a very nice chat and after weeks of throwing every idea at him, of how we could work together, i began to see a pattern emerge in his communication.

He started off really keen to meet me and take on board my ideas. Then as my own excitement built, he would then stop emailing me or responding to my calls. Then once i'd run out of steam calling or emailing and some time had elasped; he would suddenly call up all excitedly and the game was back on again. Only to stop responding again when i was back in his face again. And so it went on.

Now one could rationalise that this Managing Director was so busy and perhaps so disorganised that he had a legitimate case for being so eratic. But my view was that he must be playing some kind of game. Playing a sinister game with someone who was ill. Someone who was vulnerable at that time and potentially open to exploitative tactics such as "now you see it - now you don't".

He had taken me from a belief in humanity to doubting its very integrity again.

Had it not been for the fact that he had told me that he had a criminal background as a fraudster i would have probably found myself going around the bend.

I just hope that he doesn't misrepresent his organisation in similar ways in the future.

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