Wednesday 5 March 2008

Predictive intelligence means bounding the space of future uncertainties within an estimative framework!

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
In a recent article by Kent's Imperative, we were treated to a brief tour through one of our favourite subjects, that of Predictive Intelligence and the role of the jester within the court of Kings and Queens. Our esteemed military counter-parts over at Kent's Imperatives say more than we could have ever said ourselves about the dispositions and insights that we ourselves have had since we were early teenagers. We give you the very best definition of Predictive Intelligence - care of Kent's Imperative.

Whether you work for the military, charitable organisations or commerce, we say that unless you develop a formal framework that qualifies the bounds of the uncertainties into measured spaces, you can never truly say that your risk register is anywhere near complete and this will have an unecessary effect on the collective confidence of the organisation. Furthermore, the injection of jesterlike communications into the stressed, repressed and depressed body of an organisation can serve to remove the veils of ignorance and open the way for conditions where your business is sufficiently sensitive enough to reap the rewards of effective Predictive Intelligence.

Predictive intelligence means bounding the space of future uncertainties within an estimative framework!

Why not try defining a predictive Intelligence framework for your organisation. If you require help, send us an email at

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