Monday 6 September 2010

The Illusory Concept of the Role Model

Illuminati Killer Robots reveal:
I fear that role models do come and go.
Many are held in the highest regard one minute and torn down the next. 
Our children learn that nothing in life is fixed, even if it appears to be so. 
They will learn that at times they might feel great regard for someone, followed by great disillusionment.
What appears true of someone, isn't true when that someone is fully tested.

Is it true therefore that the concept of the "role model", is in fact an illusion?
A dishonest perception of someone based on limited data, perhaps dressed up in the colours of the wishful thinking mind.
What measure should we use to validate this role model against another role model?
The concept of role model, is just that - a concept - born of the mind.

I hope that tomorrows leaders will be able to become more than just an illusion.

Artwork by Clement Ooi

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