Sunday 2 March 2008

Behold: the mind of the Predator: Let it not be in You? Lest you use it to counter the predators tactics.

Brand Killer Robots reveal::
Have you ever followed someone home in the dark? Do you feel their fear? Do they keep looking back? Can you sense their anguish as you draw closer? Never knowing whether you might take them from behind. Pulling them to the floor. Devouring them piece by piece as their screams go unheard. Understand that this is the condition of the predatory mind. Can you feel the power of the predator? Can you feel the power of the dark side? Its attraction is strong and there are many who have crossed over, never to find their way back again. In the days when man had to hunt to feed his family these predatory instincts were vital to his survival.
Today the predatory mind is used to covet other people’s possessions, to subvert good causes and to spread the influence of the devil to the far corners of the earth.


Do you recognise the power of the predatory mind? Have you seen it before? Either in yourself or the actions of others? Would the world be a better place full of predators, or would it be a better place without predators? Without those who pretend that humanity is somehow in need of such flawed attributes? Behold: the mind of the Predator:

Let it not be in You? Lest you use it to counter the predators tactics.

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